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WMC Casily Shestakov(FIAS회장)위원 몽골훈장 수상
작성자 관리자 등록일 2021/06/30 조회 1274

WMC위원 Vasily Shestakov(국제삼보연맹 회장)위원이 몽골훈장을 수상했다. 시상식은 모스크바에서 6 월 24 일에 열렸다. Dulamsurengiina Davaa 러시아 연방 몽골 특별 전권 대사는 Vasily Shestakov에게 기장을 수여하고 축하했다.


Vasily Shestakov, President of the International SAMBO Federation, was awarded the Order of Mongolia "Red Banner of Labor". The award ceremony took place, June 24, in Moscow. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the Russian Federation Dulamsurengiina Davaa presented the Order to Vasily Shestakov and congratulated him on receiving the award. (FIAS. sambo.sport)

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