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World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (WMC)

  • Name : World Martial Arts Masterships Committee
  • Status
    • Non-profit/non-governmental international organization, corporation under civil law of Republic of Korea
    • Headquarter is located in Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Republic of Korea
    • Supreme authority of World Martial Arts Masterships, and represents the National Martial Arts Masterships Committee(NMC)
  • Establishment Year : 2016
  • Location of Secretariat : 912 Gwanak Century Tower, 1808, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    (Zip Code: 08787)
2020. 10.
2020 WMC Convention (The 5rd WMC General Meeting, World Martial Arts Leaders Forum)
2019. 08.
2019 WMC Convention (The 4rd WMC General Meeting, World Martial Arts Leaders Forum, International Academic Conference)
2018. 11.
2018 WMC Convention (The 3rd WMC General Meeting, World Martial Arts Leaders Forum, International Academic Conference)
2017. 11.
Jincheon 1st World Youth Martial Arts Masterships
2017. 11.
2017 WMC Convention (The 2nd WMC General Meeting, World Martial Arts Leaders Forum, International Academic Conference)
2016. 09.
2016 Cheongju World Martial Arts Masterships
2016. 09.
2016 Cheongju World Martial Arts Masterships International Congress and The 1st World Martial Arts Masterships Committee General Meeting
2016. 08.
Approval for establishment of World Martial Arts Masterships Committee
2016. 07.
Initiator’s General Meeting to establish an incorporated association by the
civil law of Republic of Korea
2015. 10.
The 2nd International Congress for World Martial Arts Mastership
2013. 09.
The 1st International Congress for World Martial Arts Masterships


World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (WMC), the supreme authority of World Martial Arts Masterships (Masterships), was
established during the 3rd International Congress for 2016 Cheongju World Martial Arts Masterships along with the adoption of World Martial Arts Masterships Charter. WMC as international martial arts organization is composed of national and international delegates and famed figures in martial art, resulting from every effort of martial artists in the world. The establishment of WMC
contributes to building a cooperative global network around the world.


WMC will achieve the objectives of World Martial Arts Masterships Movement that is to realize the values of martial arts, to pass down martial arts as intangible cultural heritage in the next generation, and to realize the peace and coexistence of all human
beings. WMC as the governing body of Masterships will guarantee the continuous hosting of Masterships, support the
establishment of National Martial Arts Masterships Committee (NMCs), and take the head in promoting and developing martial
arts in the world, cooperating with international martial arts organizations and international organizations. Furthermore, WMC will inculcate the values of solidarity and fairness in human beings through Masterships


WMC consists of 48 natural persons as members including the President of WMC, the Governor of Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Si Jong LEE, IFs’ presidents, distinguished scholars and figures in the realm of martial art. WMC at the beginning stage has the
following organizations: General Meeting, Board of Directors (Executive Board), and Secretariat. The Secretariat of WMC is located in Chungcheongbuk-do Province. Henceforth, commissions and councils of WMC will be composed.


The establishment of WMC implies to form the basis of the promotion of martial art as intangible cultural heritage and of the
continuous hosting of Masterships, which is an international mega event for martial artists in the world. Moreover, WMC will play a significant role as a driving force and hub of world martial art, implementing World Martial Arts Masterships Movement.

World Martial Arts Masterships Committee

912 Gwanak Century Tower, 1808, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Zip Code: 08787 / TEL. +82-070-4229-0331 / FAX. +82-070-7716-2210
Copyright(c) World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (WMC). All rights reserved.
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